Access Honoraries and Bribes

Those who received Honoraries or successfully bribed the Trinity will be the first eligible to receive their Evolutions. This short window opens ahead of all others and does not encounter any Rune fee. 

Due to the reinscription process requiring a Bitcoin transaction, there will be a nominal BTC fee to evolve.

Successive Waves

Following Honoraries and Bribe winners, Evolution will be unlocked in six successive waves of trait eligibility. Those actively eligible are clearly visible in the drop-down marked "Eligible Evolutions" in the Museum.

Identify when your MH//I is eligible via the colour coding and symbol key in the upper left hand corner of avatars present in the Museum

Blue borders indicate the 50 Trinity Honoraries and 10 Bribe winners. 

Evolution Process

Evolution is done through the Museum page on the website. Here you’ll be able to browse through all MH//I or filter down to just those in your wallet. 

We’ve custom-built a better buyer journey for existing holders and prospective buyers. Click into an MH//I to preview what its Evolved form looks like and, if eligible, Evolve it directly from the Museum.

The reinscription process uses OrdinalsBot’s API to enable inscription-on-demand and conducts a partially-signed-Bitcoin-transaction to ensure you maintain custody of your sat. 

This service makes use of recursive technology to optimise and condense the sizes.

Your evolved MH//I is appended directly to the same sat containing your pixelated interpretation of the MH//I. Our vision is to turn single historic canvasses into IP galleries and provide greater exposure to their art form. 

Evolutions from Wave One forward, will carry a 55,000 MH Runes cost as well as a small BTC transaction fee associated with reinscription. 

This aligns with the minimum MH Runes that were airdropped to early holders of MH//I and creates a genuine economic utility for MH Runes on-chain.

Access to Evolution will remain open indefinitely.

Legendaries & Megas

As the Legendaries and Megas are 1:1 artwork, they do not follow the same composable recursive trait composition. 

Instead, the image will be uploaded directly to Bitcoin by the team. Those looking to evolve one will need to reach out directly to Novel to conduct this through an OTC process. Please open a support ticket in the Discord.


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